Lazy Guide to Halloween Costumes

Hello, hello!

I haven’t written about Halloween a lot on the blog, but I do find it a fun holiday even though I don’t do much to celebrate it as an adult. I just made this post up the other day to kill some time and I liked how it turned out, so I thought I’d share it.

Here’s another guide I wrote in 2016 if you want to step up your Halloween costume game more geared towards the fashion side of things.

But, let’s begin, with the Lazy Guide to Halloween Costumes:

So it’s the week before Halloween and it’s time to dress up for a work function or a party, but you have nothing planned. You don’t want to spend a lot of money or time into the look. Does this sound like you? Well you are in luck! I have some last minute easy ideas of costumes that can be thrown together with things that may already be in your closet, around the house, or things you can supplement by going to the dollar or thrift store. Think of it as a lazy persons guide to Halloween. It may not win you best Halloween or most creative costume, but you will be dressed up.

#1 M&M: Most people have a solid color tee-shirt. Pick your favorite color. Write a big “M” in black on a white round piece of paper and slap it on your shirt with some duct tape. You are now an M&M. Bonus points if you have matching color pants. You could easily find white gloves too at the dollar or thrift store.

You could also be a skittle if that is more your speed.

#2 Outer Space: You should have a plain black tee-shirt in your closet and possibly some black pants (could be leggings, sweats, or jeans). Dress in all black. Either cut little stars out of white paper, go buy glow in the dark stars at the dollar store, or buy star stickers and stick them all over your clothes. Bonus: You probably have tin foil lying around the kitchen, it can be used as a ring like Saturn’s to wear on your head. Roll a long piece like you’re rolling a playdough snake then form it into a circle to wear on your head. Talk about out of this world!

#2A Batman: Using the all black outfit as a base, all you need to add is a cheap superhero eye mask, pointed ears, and a cape. If really in a pinch, make the mask out of construction or cardstock paper. Make sure it goes around your eyes and add the pointed ears, so it’s all one piece.

#2B Alien: This kind of goes with the the outer space costume. Wear all green then get big bug eyed sunglasses.

#3 Empty toilet paper roll: Don’t know what to do with all the empty toilet paper rolls that accumulate? Re-use them for a Halloween costume, of course! Empty paper towel rolls can also be cut into thirds and used as well. Wear a white shirt with jeans or black pants then duct tape the toilet paper rolls all over the shirt. Bonus: wrap a little bit of toilet paper around the head a a headband or around the neck as a scarf, but not too much. Don’t be wasteful. Remember the TP shortage in 2020?!? That was rough!

Here’s my rabbit, Klaus, modeling a tube of toilet paper on his ears. He loves me.

#4 Lego Piece: Wearing solid colors again, whatever available in your closet will do, then tape a “LEGO” sign onto your shirt. Easy peasy!

#5 Sports team fan: This could be the easiest if you are big into sports. Just wear your favorite teams jersey and hat if you have it. Bonus if you have a pom pom or a #1 big finger to carry around.

#6 Crayola Crayon: Also, dress in a solid color, whatever you have or whatever is your favorite. Bonus if you have matching shoes in the same color. Take a piece of construction paper and roll it into a cone shape to wear on your head. Then finish off with making a color title for your shirt. For example, “Tickle me Pink” or “Apricot.” You can also add the Crayola logo above it if you want to make it even more obvious.

What’s your favorite crayon color? I just made this up on the fly. It would be fun to name crayons for work.

#7 A pumpkin: If you have a colorful wardrobe, this will probably be easy for you. Wear an orange shirt with some sort of green bottoms. Make a stem out of an empty toilet paper tube, color it green, and pin it to your head with bobby pins. You could also do this by being an apple, but use a red shirt instead.

#8 White rabbit from Alice in Wonderland: All that is needed is some sort of pants, a blazer, and bunny ears (easily found at the dollar store). If you don’t have a real pocket watch, try the thrift store; it doesn’t even have to work as you just need it as a prop. Heck, I’m not even sure the real white rabbit’s watch worked. Or you could just make it out of card or poster board. Make a circle on your choice of paper to make the clock, add in the numbers, then glue or tape it to some ribbon. If you don’t want to deal with the pocket watch part at all, tape a “I’m late!” sign on your chest and people should get who you are. Bonus: Draw bunny whiskers on your face with eyeliner or non-permanent marker.

I found this chain from a purse and attached my digital watch to it. If you don’t have a blazer, don’t worry. Anything with a collar will do.

#9 Scarecrow: Grab a plaid shirt from your closet, a pair of jeans, western or riding boots, and a straw hat from summer. Then with any kind of paper lying around (newspaper, magazines, tissue paper, ect) stuff some in into your pockets, sleeves, basically anywhere so it looks like you are stuffed like a Scarecrow would. Bonus: pick up a cheap crow figurine to slip in your shirt pocket or make one out of paper.

It’s fall y’all! Pull out your plaid to easily become a scarecrow and a summer straw hat.

#10 Spongebob Squarepants: Most people who work in an office have a pair of khaki pants. Wear them as is or roll them up a bit to look more like shorts. You can either wear a yellow or white shirt depending on what you have. Add tube socks and a red tie that you thrift or make out of paper and you’re golden.

Sorry the lighting on this is off for some reason. The tie is actually a burgundy color.
  • So what did you think? This is sort of meant to be satire, but also if you are feeling lazy, you very well could make these costumes. What’s your lazy Halloween costume look like?

Thanks for reading and stay fabulous!



*All photos by me on my cell phone. They’re just for fun to have something to look at and not the best quality.*

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